
4.2 ( 132 ratings )
유틸리티 교육
개발자: MSharpMath Inc.
2.99 USD

M#Math works 100% offline, and in an expression-look-alike style.

▣ user-file sharing by Bluetooth
▣ e-mail user-files
▣ user-file directory (file create and save)
▣ tutorial directory with 60 tutorials
▣ display commands and results
▣ thousand commas ($10,000,000) available
▣ versatile keyboards
ΓΘΛΞΥΦΨΩΔΣΠ Greek Characters
¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁰·⁺⁻ superscripts
₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉₀₊₋ subscripts

▣ sale and tax

100 -%20 +%10 ; // %20 sale, %10 tax
80 // 100 - 20 (minus %20)
88 // 80 + 8 (plus %10)
ans = 88

▣ feet and inches (ftin)

53 ; // 5 feet 3 inches in meter
ans = 1.6002

5 3 * 3 0.25 >>yd2 ; // area of plate in [yd²]
ans = 1.76215 [yd²]

▣ coupled nonlinear equations

3β = 2α+1, 4α³β + 5αβ³ = 4

are solved starting from (α,β) = (1,1) by the following command

solve .α.β {1,1} ( 3β = 2α+1, 4α³β + 5αβ³ = 4 );

to reach at one solution

ans =
[ 0.77734 ]₁
[ 0.85156 ]₂

▣ Unit conversion is fast and convenient. For example, 80℉ Fahrenheit is all-in-one converted into
80f >> ;

26.6667 ℃
80 F
539.67 R
299.817 K
ans = 299.817

▣ M#Math can be also considered to be a mini-C in that several keywords of C-language

if else
do for while
break continue goto
switch case default
return void double

are installed to work in M#Math.

▣ Built-in-App tutorials cover

● Unit Conversion
● File managing

● Equation Ax=b
● Line y=ax+b
● Parabola y= ax²+bx+c
● 3rd-order y= ax³+bx²+cx+d
● High-order and Circle
● Triangle ∆ABC

● M#Math as mini-C

● 2D Graph
● 3D Graph

● Complex Numbers
● Polynomial
● Sequence and Series
● Matrix

● Vertex
● Coordinate System
● Character and String
● Grammar of Function

● Integration ∫.x
● Differentiation ∂.x
● ∇φ, ∇•u, ∇✕u, ∇²φ
● Finding Roots

● Ordinary Differential Equation
● Initial Value Problem
● Boundary Value Problem
● Eigenvalue Problem

● Parabolic PDE

● Digital Signal Processing

● Mathematical Constants
● Physical Constants
● Properties
● Table of Characters
● Table of Laplace Transform
● Table of Fourier Transform